Too often we waste time and energy trying to control situations that are beyond our control.
Your control:
- Your own opinions, behaviours, emotions, and beliefs.
- Your mindset.
- Who you choose to be friends with.
- How you care for yourself.
Not your control:
- Other people’s opinions, their behaviour, their emotions, and beliefs.
- Who your family are.
- The weather, the traffic jam, the outcome of the job interview you have just attended, the prices of the food shopping the list goes on and on.
Numerous situations are beyond our control and trying to control every eventuality and outcome can be extremely overwhelming and draining of your energy.
Let us picture the scene.
You have a wonderful day planned to go fishing (your control). The weather is great, a few white fluffy clouds in the sky and you can feel a little bit of warmth in the sun that is shining down (not your control).
You have loaded the car with your fishing equipment and are ready to go (your control) the journey is longer than you anticipated after being stuck in traffic jam for 30 minutes, (not in your control) this bring on the feeling of frustration (your control). You pick your spot at one of the many ponds and take in the scenery, the trees are in full bloom, the sunlight reflecting on the water. You set up your equipment and cast off into the pond feeling yourself relaxing after the car journey (your control).
Why not take some time to determine the situations that are within your control.